Our store address: Tielenbaan 59, 2275, Lille (Belgium)
Opening Hours: We are on holiday until August 30th. Shipping restarts at August 31st. Shop can be visited until then after appointment (for picking up orders).

Irish Freedom Irish Freedom Solitaire
Our Price: €85.99
Free Shipping
Blitz in the East Blitz in the East
Our Price: €87.99
Siege Command Siege Command
Our Price: €24.99
PanzerKampf PanzerKampf
Our Price: €38.99
Our Store is at: Tielenbaan 59, 2275 Lille, Belgium (close to Antwerp, Turnhout, Herentals, Geel, Eindhoven)
Opening hours: we are on Holiday until 30/8. Shipping will restart at Saturday 31st. Shop can be visited after appointment for pickup of orders.

Click here for all info: Event info